“Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success.” Henry Ford
So let me start off by saying that I love to read! But the truth is I like to read trash!! Lol I need to escape, But read for entertainment, or to be inspired.
since I’ve started this business I realized that I need to read , to gain knowledge! What a great concept right ?!
The truth is I find reading how to sell ,how to talk to people , how to make your business grow ;books.. Dare I say it ..they are boring.
If I can find it on audio, or I can listen to a podcast to learn the same information or attend a seminar that would be the route I would go.
But y’all I’m here to tell you I picked up a book! And I think it goes really hand-in-hand with giving practical information on how I make this whole Intention + Action = Progress (MAGIC ) , work .
The book it’s called Book yourself solid by Michael Port , I think it’s an oldie but it may be a goodie.
And let me tell you I just didn’t get the regular book ..yes this girl went and got the illustrated version because pictures always make things so much better! Lol.
My thinking was , let’s make this information I want to learn ! I really felt that learning this subject in a Fun and different way would probably serve me well, anyone else like me ??? No just me ? 🤷🏽♀️
So it’s got great content . Broken up into four different modules : It covers your foundation, building trust and capability, perfect pricing and simple selling, & the 6 core self promotion strategies (this is the one I struggle with the most) .
The long and short of it is the book has been interesting and the information has been digestible. Now it’s just up to me to implement this new tool.
See , I believe that each week I’m putting my best foot forward with the knowledge that I already have and the knowledge that I am acquiring.
Intentions have to be met with a plan, your actions have to be executed with a purpose, with knowledge, and with strategy or there will be little progress and you will may not see any magic!
So what are you reading?
Leave your latest read in the comment section.
#Intention #Action #Progress #Magic! #IntentionEnterprises #Learning #Growing #IWillMakeThisBusinessWork #AlwaysMovingOutsideOfMyComfortZone #BookYourselfSolid #yourfavoritebookkeeper